Friday, July 20, 2012

In response to the immigration law

In Bianca Tamez's political blog, she addresses Arizona's new immigration law, SB 1070. According to this law, police officials can stop people on the streets and ask for identification if they have reason to believe that the person may be in the states illegally. This law has caused many debates as people question exactly what factors trigger officials to suspect certain people.

People have considered this law a step backwards into history, where racial profiling was more of a problem than it is today. Police officials have commented on these accusations by saying that they will not tolerate racial profiling or discrimination; they'll focus on resources on violent criminals and property crimes. While I'd like to believe this, I just don't have enough faith in the reflexive thoughts that people express in the presence of other races. I don't think we're at a point yet where we see everyone as equal and won't jump to conclusions.

By passing this law, Arizona takes away some of the freedom of its citizens. People are now bound by law to show their identification to the police if asked. I find that I agree with Bianca's take on the situation, that this law further limits the freedoms that American citizens are entitled to. Those who worked hard to get into this country and earn citizenship should be given equal treatment despite their skin color or ethnicity. It would be a shame to find that America and the liberty that it promises is an exaggeration.

For now, I think that we should tighten the border security even more. This option many even work more effectively than SB 1070, as law-enforcement agencies across Arizona unanimously viewed that the law would do little to change their daily duties.

This law, if even effective, falsely represents America and the rights of its citizens.Those who live here or worked hard to get here legally should be free to live without the invasion of police who didn't do their job at the border.

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