Sunday, June 3, 2012

For the sake of a say

When it comes to my opinion in matters concerning politics or the workings of our government, I normally draw a blank. I was never the one to argue with those around me about what I thought was right or wrong in the big scheme of things, what I thought was best for our country. However, as I approach adulthood as well as the presidential election, I realize that it’s time for me to tune in on what is happening around me politically.

Though I have sided on a few of the big debates that our country is torn on today, I am nowhere near aware of most of our important issues. It was earlier this year that our school newspaper covered the pros and cons of the legalizations of gay marriage, marijuana, and abortion that I finally researched through the internet, analyzed, and sided on these specific important issues. This is the extent of my political knowledge accompanied by moderate clearance on the basics (I got 9 out of 13 correct on the current events quiz.)

I never took an interest in politics because it seemed complicated and I didn’t want to get into it. Growing up, I didn't seem like it was that important; the news just seemed like a TV show to me. Of course, I am now aware of how realistic and important the role of the government and politics is. The issues and debates are something I need to be aware of and participate in, I live here after all.

The past year has been very productive for me in terms of political and governmental learning. This is a result of my increased interest in current events. Politics has a great bearing on our influences in world relations and this is something that piques a lot of my interest.

Although I still know very little, I now read the news every day, and my lack of awareness lessens daily. While I am taking this class to get the required credit, I’m also enrolled because I want to gain a bearing on politics and issues. This is something that journalists need to be affiliated with, and journalism is something that I’ve taken a strong interest in and view as a prospective occupation. I’m hoping that this course will result in me having a better understanding of politics and our current state as a nation, and finally having a say in the important issues that our country faces.

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